20th October, Petaling Jaya: A colorful ceremony graced by Dr Adam Kosa, President of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf, marked the opening of the 24th Deaflympics Bowling Competitions 2021, held at Sunway Megalanes.
The ceremony was also attended by Mrs Adam Kosa, Hon. Mrs Petra Ponevacs-Pana, Ambassador of Hungary, En. Ong Shin Ruenn, President of Malaysian Deaf Sports Association (MSDeaf), En. Kamaruzaman Harun, Secretary General of MSDeaf, Mr Rainer Kuehn, Tournament Director and other distinguished guests, participating teams officials.
En. Dino Hassan, emcee for the ceremony, announced the arrival of the guests of honour and introduced the distinguished guests. He kicked off proceedings by welcoming all participating teams and officials before annoucning the march past of each of the sixteen countries.
En. Ong Shin Ruenn, President of MSDeaf in his welcoming speech conveyed his sincere gratitude to Dr Adam Kosa and ICSD for awarding the hosting of the 24th Deaflympics Bowling Competition to Malaysia, as a result of Brazil being unable to host the event.